Coursera vs Udemy - Which is the better online learning platform

April 21, 2022


As the world progresses, online learning platforms have become a necessity for millions of people worldwide. With the pandemic forcing most of us to stay at home, people started exploring online platforms to learn new skills or refine their existing ones. Among the most popular platforms are Coursera and Udemy, both catering to learners across the globe. In this post, we'll compare the two giants and help you choose the right fit for your learning experience.

Course Content

When it comes to course content, Udemy has a broader range of courses than Coursera. Udemy allows instructors to create and upload their courses, which has led to a vast collection of courses not available on other platforms. However, Coursera partners with top universities, which means you can get high-quality educational content from reputable sources. Coursera's content is more structured and curated than Udemy's, with a focus on academic courses such as machine learning, data science, and computer science.

Winner: It depends on your preferences. If you're looking for a wider range of courses, Udemy is your go-to, but if you prefer structured academic courses, then Coursera is the choice for you.

Course Duration and Certificate

Coursera courses are rigorous and structured like regular university courses, with weekly assignments and quizzes. Their courses are designed to take a specific duration, usually six to ten weeks, and learners can earn certificates after completion. Udemy is more relaxed in terms of timeline, with no fixed time duration. Learners can access course content at their leisure and can complete courses as fast or as slow as they want. However, Udemy certificates are not accredited and might not have much value in the job market.

Winner: Both platforms have pros and cons when it comes to course duration and certification. If you're looking for a structured, accredited, and well-recognized certificate, then Coursera is the best fit for you. But if you want to learn at your own pace and don't mind unaccredited certificates, then Udemy is your choice.


Coursera's courses are generally more expensive than Udemy's, with some courses going for hundreds of dollars. Coursera also has a subscription-based option, which gives you access to all courses on the platform at a monthly or yearly fee. Udemy's courses, on the other hand, are priced individually, with some courses as low as $10. Udemy also runs frequent sales, and learners can get courses at discounted prices.

Winner: Udemy wins this category hands down. Udemy's courses are generally more affordable than Coursera's, making it accessible for a broader audience.

User Experience and Support

Coursera has a more straightforward and modern interface, providing learners with an easy-to-use platform that is aesthetically pleasing. Coursera also has a dedicated mobile app, which makes it easy for learners to access course content on the go. On the other hand, Udemy's user interface feels cluttered and outdated. Their mobile app is also not as intuitive as Coursera's.

In terms of support, Coursera provides learners with dedicated support to answer any queries or issues they might face. Udemy's support is more generic and not as responsive as Coursera's.

Winner: Coursera is the clear winner in this category. Coursera's modern, user-friendly interface and responsive support make it the best option for learners.


Both platforms have their strengths and weaknesses, making it hard to choose a clear winner. However, if we were to give an overall verdict, Coursera would take the prize. The platform's structured academic courses, modern interface, and responsive support make it a winner in terms of quality. Udemy, on the other hand, excels in the number and affordability of courses available.

Choose the platform that caters to your needs and helps you achieve your learning goals.


[1] “Coursera vs Udemy.” Codeinwp, 5 Jan. 2022,
[2] “Coursera vs Udemy: Which Is the Best Online Learning Platform?”, 2 Feb. 2022,
[3] “Coursera vs Udemy: The Ultimate Comparison for 2022.” MobileMonkey, 31 Mar. 2022,

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